This is a video of a new style Gallagher Wrangler (M100). It had a burnt out neon green bulb and a bad trigger SCR. Originally the unit wouldn't come on and pulse at all.
The rest of the board, the output transformer, and the charging capacitor all tested fine.
Installed a higher amp rated trigger SCR, so
it will hold up a lot better and longer than the original one.
The repair on this one is $18 for parts and labor plus shipping. A brand new Gallagher a Wrangler/M100 retail around $100, so this is well worth repairing
This is a video of a new style Gallagher Wrangler (M100). It had a burnt out neon green bulb and a bad trigger SCR. Originally the unit wouldn't come on and pulse at all. The rest of the board, the output transformer, and the charging capacitor all tested fine.Installed a higher amp rated trigger SCR, soit will hold up a lot better and longer than the original one.The repair on this one is $18 for parts and labor plus shipping. A brand new Gallagher a Wrangler/M100 retail around $100, so this is well worth repairing
Posted by Fencer Fixer Repair LLC on Monday, March 23, 2015
Jump to comment formShawn said:
I have an older style Gallagher Wrangler that stopped working. No light, no anything. Fuse is good. I’d like to repair it instead of replacing it, but I’m not sure where to begin or if parts are available. Can you provide any information?